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Open Field + Lift (lift on your own)
6 - 6:46 am Open Field time (lauryn is coaching a session then but the other side of the field is open for use)
6:45 - 8am Field Session with Lauryn
8 - 9am Lift in space
Click Here to see an overview of session explanations
Optional Upper Bod y Lift
A1: Clean & Press 3x12
A2: KB Lateral Raise 3x12
A3: Band Tricep Extensions 3x12
B1: Upright Row 3x12
B2: Military Press 3x12
B3: Wrist Curls Until failure
C1: Standing Barbell Curl 3x12
C2: Seated KB Curl 3x12
C3: Ab Crunch 3x30